• Crypto and Crime: Interesting Actors Get Blues and Twos on Their Systems

    Updated: 2023-01-31 10:30:00
    I read a widely available document which presents information once described to me as a “close hold.” The article is “Most Criminal Crypto currency Is Funneled Through Just 5 Exchanges.” Most of the write up is the sort of breathless “look what we know” information. The article which recycles information from Wired and from the […]

  • Newton and Shoulders of Giants? Baloney. Is It Everyday Theft?

    Updated: 2023-01-31 10:10:00
    Here I am in rural Kentucky. I have been thinking about the failure of education. I recall learning from Ms. Blackburn, my high school algebra teacher, this statement by Sir Isaac Newton, the apple and calculus guy: If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. Did Sir Isaac actually […]

  • Does Google Need a Better Snorkel and a Deeper Mind?

    Updated: 2023-01-31 00:24:16
    Recession, Sillycon Valley meltdown, and a disaffected workforce? Gloomy, right? Consider this paragraph from “ChatGPT Pro Is Coming. Here’s How You Can Join the Waitlist”: ChatGPT has probably the fastest-growing user base ever, with a staggering million-plus users signing up a week after its release. That’s four times faster than Dall-E2, which took a month […]

  • Another Betamax Battle: An Intellectual Spat

    Updated: 2023-01-30 15:21:24
    The AI search fight is officially underway. True, the Baidu AI won’t be available until March 2023, but the trumpet has sounded. The illustration of two AI mud wrestlers engaging in a contest was produced by Craiyon. I assume that the Craiyon crowd has the © because I can’t draw worth a lick.  The fighters […]

  • Does Google Have the Sony Betamax of Smart Software?

    Updated: 2023-01-30 10:15:00
    Does Google have the Sony Betamax of smart software? If you cannot answer this question as well as ChatGPT, you can take a look at “VHS or Beta? A Look Back at Betamax, and How Sony Lost the VCR Format War to VHS Recorders.” Boiling down the problem Sony faced, let me suggest better did […]

  • Synthetic Content: A Challenge with No Easy Answer

    Updated: 2023-01-30 10:10:00
    Open source intelligence is the go-to method for many crime analysts, investigators, and intelligence professionals. Whether social media or third-party data from marketing companies, useful insights can be obtained. The upside of OSINT means that many of its supporters downplay or choose to sidestep its downsides. I call this “OSINT blindspots”, and each day I […]

  • Have You Ever Seen a Killer Dinosaur on a Leash?

    Updated: 2023-01-27 14:57:41
    I have never seen a Tyrannosaurus Rex allow a European regulators to put a leash on its neck and lead the beastie around like a tamed circus animal? Another illustration generated by the smart software outfit Craiyon.com. The copyright is up in the air just like the outcome of Google’s battles with regulators, OpenAI, and […]

  • Microsoft Security and the Azure Cloud: Good Enough?

    Updated: 2023-01-27 10:10:00
    I don’t know anything about the cyber security firm called Silverfort. The company’s Web site makes it clear that the company’s management likes moving icons and Microsoft. Nevertheless, “Microsoft Azure-Based Kerberos Attacks Crack Open Cloud Accounts” points out some alleged vulnerabilities in what Microsoft has positioned as its present and future money machine. The article […]

  • Killing Wickr … Quickly and Without Love

    Updated: 2023-01-27 10:05:00
    Encrypted messaging services are popular for privacy-concerned users as well as freedom fighters in authoritarian countries.  Tech companies consider these messaging services to be a wise investment, so Amazon purchased Wickr in 2020.  Wickr is an end-to-end encrypted messaging app and it was made available for AWS users.  Gizmodo explains that Wickr will soon be […]

  • How Do You Know You Have Been Fired? 700 Hundred Words about People Skills

    Updated: 2023-01-26 15:22:04
    I read “Some Google Employees Didn’t Realize They Were Laid Off Until Their Badges Wouldn’t Let Them into the Office.” The write up reports in the manner of an person learning something quite surprising: One laid-off Google employee, a software engineer who requested anonymity to speak freely, told Insider that he witnessed one of his […]

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